
Replacing LPG with Compressed Hydrogen Storage: how many liters of H2 are needed for a household/month?

@Cesar Jung-Harada : [@November 21, 2023]: I NEED TO REDO MANY CALCULATION! Please dont use new calculations as reference now (if you need, let me know and I finish this. As I learn more I discover some subtleties that are too important to ignore. The energy density (volumetric) is NOT the specify heat value (energy released by a chemical reaction like combustion). For instance, energy density considers the potential work that the gas does as it expands at a certain pressure.

”There are different types of energy stored in materials, and it takes a particular type of reaction to release each type of energy. In order of the typical magnitude of the energy released, these types of reactions are: nuclearchemicalelectrochemical, and electrical. “. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_density).

I need to make sure the values used for comparison consider the reactions involved in the combustion processes (for H2 or LPG), that is the heat value also called energy value (omitting “combustion” hence the confusion with energy density) and I think I have made some mistakes (also misguided by errors online) using gravimetric energy density sometimes. Fortunately, the previous calculations are ok, because I used heat value for LPG (46-51 MJ/kg) and H2 (120-142 MJ/kg), but the new comparison with Natural Gas (pakistan bags) is wrong. I’ll work on this by the end of the week.

INTRODUCTION (basic thermodynamic notions/definitions)

A) Liquefied Petroleum Gas: basics

B) Hydrogen energy & storage: basics

C) The “3KG LPG” Canister (pic on the right): basics

D) How many H2 canisters are equivalent to one LPG canister? (different pressure/containers)

a) Example calculation: mass of H2 contained in a canister of 6 litres, at a pressure of 17.5 bars and temperature of 25C

Assuming that hydrogen gas behaves as an ideal gas under these conditions, the ideal gas law is a good starting point for this calculation. It relates the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas to the number of molecules it contains. The ideal gas law is usually stated as:

PV = nRT

where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal, or universal, gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature (in Kelvin).

Here, we want to find the mass of hydrogen gas (H2), so we'll need to convert from moles to grams using the molar mass of hydrogen gas.

First, let's convert the given values into SI units so we can use R=8.3145J/(mol.K):

  • Pressure P: 17.5 bar = 1750000 Pa (since 1 bar = 100000 Pa),
  • Volume V: 6 liters = 0.006 m³ (since 1 liter = 0.001 m³),
  • Temperature T: 25 degrees Celsius = 298.15 K (since T(K) = T(C) + 273.15),
  • Ideal gas constant R: 8.3145 J/(mol·K).

We can rearrange the ideal gas law to solve for n (the number of moles):n = PV/RT

Substituting the given values:

n = (1750000 Pa * 0.006 m³) / (8.3145 J/(mol·K) * 298.15 K) ≈ 4.24 mol.

The molar mass of H2 is approximately 2 g/mol (2.016 g/mol), so the mass m of the hydrogen gas is:m = n * molar mass. Substituting the valuesm = 4.24 mol * 2 g/mol

After doing the calculation, we find that the mass of the hydrogen gas in the 6L. 17.5bars canister is approximately 8.48 grams.

b) Energy that can be released (assuming perfect combustion) by this quantity of hydrogen?

Using Enthalpy:

The energy released in the combustion of hydrogen is given by its heat of combustion. The heat of combustion (also known as the enthalpy of combustion) of hydrogen is about -286 kJ/mol. This value is negative because energy is released (exothermic process) during the combustion.

The heat of combustion (ΔH) is typically given per mole of substance combusted. So, to find the total energy released (E), we multiply the heat of combustion by the number of moles: E = -ΔH * n

We have around 4.24 moles of hydrogen in 6L at 25C and 17.5bars. Substituting the values:

E = -(-286 kJ/mol) * 4.24 mol

After doing the calculation, we find that E ≈ 1212.64 kJ.

Energy values can be converted from kilojoules (kJ) to kilowatt-hours (kWh) using the following conversion factor (1 kWh = 3600 kJ), so, to convert the energy released E (which we have found to be approximately 1212.64 kJ) to kWh, we divide by 3600: E_kWh = 1212.64 kJ / 3600

So, assuming perfect combustion, approximately 1.2MJ (0.337 kWh) of energy can be released by this quantity of hydrogen. Please note that this calculation assumes a perfect combustion process, which may not be completely accurate in the real world due to factors such as heat loss to the surroundings.

Using heat value in J/kg:

The energy content of hydrogen per kilogram is 33.33 kWh/kg or 120kJ/kg

Therefore if m=8.48g, the energy is ≈ 33.33kWh/kg*8.48/1000kg = 0.283kWh

Using volumetric energy density: ….it depends on the pressure. The values in (C) are for LIQUID hydrogen, so we cannot use this method here.

Conclusion: the energy in the H2 canister (6L, 17.5bars, 25C) is about 0.3 kWh or 1.08MJ

c) how many of these hydrogen filled canister (pressurized hydrogen) are needed to match ONE similar canister filled with liquid LPG?

  • We saw that the energy stored in one such LPG canister is 116MJ or 32.25kWh and an H2 canister at 17.5 bars contains 0.3kWh of energy, therefore:
The number of H2 canisters (17.5bars) is then equal to 32.25/0.3 = 107.5 canisters


  • These canisters should resist more pressure: they are tested and should sustain at least 34bars. At that pressure we need about 23 canisters… but obviously this is not safe.
  • However, it is interesting to note that the output of the H2 electrolyser is about 35 bars. This means that LPG canisters are almost good, but at their limit (no margin of security).
  • Other pressurized tanks can work though, like a scuba tank (see on the right). Assuming a typical tank (see on the right), having a usable volume of 11.1L and resisting well over 35bars (up to 232bars!), the number of tanks needed will be equal to:
  • 107.5 * 17.5/232 * 6/11.1 = 4.38 scuba tanks (@232bars, from a typical scuba tank compressor.)

    …or if using the pressurized hydrogen coming from the electrolyser (35bars):

    107.5 * 17.5/35 * 6/11.1 = 29 scuba tanks (@35bars).

    Note that this pressure is right at the limit of what the “3kg LPG” canister can withstand). Interestingly, the electrolytic cell we have can produce 15L of compressed hydrogen at 35 bar. That is about one and a half scuba tanks per day. In two days, the energy for the month can be produced and stored.

Typical scuba tank:

  1. Size (Volume): The volume of the most commonly used scuba tank for recreational diving is typically around 11.1 liters (or 0.0111 cubic meters). This is the so-called "Aluminum 80" tank, with "80" referring to its capacity in cubic feet under normal atmospheric pressure. It's important to note that this is not the physical volume of the tank, but the volume of air it can hold at atmospheric pressure.
  2. Pressure: Scuba tanks are also rated for a specific maximum pressure. The Aluminum 80 tanks are typically rated for a maximum pressure of about 200 bar or 20,000 kPa (kilopascal). High-pressure steel tanks can have a maximum pressure of up to 232 bar or 23,200 kPa, or even higher.
  3. Physical Dimensions: The physical dimensions of an Aluminum 80 scuba tank are typically about 66 cm in height and about 18.4 cm in diameter


Note: some entries are a little absurd (who will use a metal canister for storing gas at 1atm; also, a normal canister cannot sustain pressures>30bars). Only for having a sense of things. The relevant/meaninful entries in the tables are in BLUE

A) Energy in a 6L (25C) canister depending on it’s content

Liquid LPG
33.15 kWh (1)
2.59 kg (2)
4.8L (80% canister)
Liquid H2
12.6 kWh (3)
4.8L (80% canister)
H2 & 1 bar
0.018 kWh
0.535g (4)
6L (full canister)
Compressed H2 & 17.5 bars
0.283 kWh
6L (full canister)
Compressed H2 & 35 bars
0.565 kWh
6L (full canister)
Compressed H2 & 200 bars
3.23 kWh
6L (full canister)

B) Quantity H2 canisters/balloons to substitute one LPG canister (6L at 25C) at different pressures:

Reminder: LPG canister has 33.15 kWh of energy, equivalent to 33.15/33.33kg of hydrogen, or about 1kg of H2 (995 grams).

Volume (L)
Yoga Ballons (221L, 1atm)
Big plastic bags (Pakistan video), V~2000L (2 cubic meters)
Canisters (6L)
Scuba tanks (11L)
Natural Gas (mostly methane*)
H2 & 1 bar
1841 (1)
Compressed H2 & 17.5 bars
not possible
not possible
64 (4)
Compressed H2 & 35 bars
not possible
not possible
58.5 (barely possible)
32 (5)
Compressed H2 & 200 bars
not possible
not possible

(*) Natural Gas is mostly methane. Methane has a slightly higher energy density than propane (and LPG is made of propane and methane mostly). Gravimetric energy density of Methane is ~ 55.5MJ/kg.

From a quick calculation using PV=nRT at ambient pressure (1atm) and temperature (25C), and considering that the mass of methane needed to produce the same usable energy in an LPG 3kg canister is 116MJ is equal to 116/55.5 = 2.09kg, and the molar mass of methane is approximately 16.04 g/mol (12.01 g/mol for carbon and 4.03 g/mol for hydrogen), corresponding to n = 2090g/16.04g = 130.3 moles:

V = nRT/P = 130.3 mol*0.0821 L·atm/(K·mol) * 298.15 K / 1atm = 3189 Liters (note Avogadro constant in LITERS.atm/(K.mol))

Another way using energy density (volumetric):

  • At standard pressure/temperature, Natural Gas has an energy density of 0,0364MJ/L (reminder: gaseous H2 energy density is


  • Liquid LPG: 116MJ or 32.25kWh of energy in one “3kg LPG canister”
  • Liquid H2:
(1) LPG has a typical specific calorific value of 46.1 MJ/kg or 12.8kWh, but the usable energy is not that; for instance, a heating appliance might be 80-90% efficient, while an internal combustion engine might only be 20-30% efficient. If we ASSUME that the conversion efficiency for H2 combustion is similar, then it is ok to use 46.1MH/kg. (2) Density of LPG is typically between 500 to 580 kg/m³ when stored under moderate pressure to keep it in liquid form. Let’s take 540g/L (average)

(3) Liquid LPG is much more dense than liquid hydrogen, hence even though the energy density of hydrogen is bigger than LPG, for the same volume, liquid LPG stores slightly more energy. The density of liquid hydrogen is 70.85 g/L, while the energy density of liquid hydrogen is 120MJ/kg or 33.33kWh/kg (4) 1 kg of hydrogen gas occupies a volume of approximately 11,207 liters at STP. So in 6L there is a mass of hydrogen = 6L/11207L*1kg = 0.535g

(1) This is 33.15kWh/0.018kWh = 1841. Another way: the mass of H2 that produces the same energy than one LPG canister is 995g, and at ambient temperature and pressure this is about: 995/1000*11,207L = 11,150L. Dividing by six gives 1858 canisters (I had made some approximations that I should not have done without proper care on the significant digits, hence the small discrepancies). (2) The volume of a yoga ball of a radius of 75cm is about 4/3*pi*(0.75/2)^3 = 0.221m3 or 221 liters. (3) This can be calculated as: 33.15kWh/0.283kWh = 117 units, or using the mass of H2: 995g/8.48 = 117.3 (4) This can be calculated as: 117/11L*6L = 64 (5) This can be calculated as 58.5/11*6 = 32 (column), OR using the pressure ration instead of volume (row): 32/200*35 = 5.6.

Energy released by chemical reactions (oxidation):


Big plastic bags filled with Natural Gas (in Pakistan):

Estimated volume of that cylinder: - Height about twice the height of a human adult - say 1.7m - Diameter about half a person: 1.7/2 = 0.85m ⇒ radius = 0.425m Then, V = 2*1.7m*PI.(1.7/2/2)^2 = 1930L, that is about 2000L or 2 cubic meter.

C) Quantities to cover a full month (average household):

Average number of LPG canisters/month: 4 canisters. This is 995g x4 = 4kg/month of hydrogen (at STP, this is about 45 cubic meters, the volume contained in a cube 3.6m side).

Multiplying the table values by four:

Quantity Yoga Ballons (221L) (*)
Quantity canisters (6L)
Quantity scuba tanks (11L)
Natural Gas (mostly methane*)
H2 & 1 bar
7364 (total 45 cubic meters)
Compressed H2 & 17.5 bars
Compressed H2 & 35 bars
Compressed H2 & 200 bars

D) Quantities to cover per day:

An important fact to remember is that the electrolyser we have discussed can produce 1.1kg/24h when powered at 2.4 kW (see below “Production”). Also, there is no need of having all the storage for the month (unless we are talking about a plant). A household can consume the hydrogen as it is generated, using much less solar power. In fact per DAY we need this quantities divided by 30:

Quantity canisters (6L)
Quantity Yoga Ballons (221L) (*)
Quantity scuba tanks (11L)
H2 & 1 bar
245 (total 1.5 cubic meters)
Compressed H2 & 17.5 bars
Compressed H2 & 35 bars
Compressed H2 & 200 bars

G) PRODUCTION (Solar power + electrolysis)

Can we produce this using solar power and a commercial electrolyser?

  • The EL 4.0 electrolyser we plan to use produces 1.1kg/24h when powered at 2.4 kW (here). This requires 2.4kW*24 = 57kWh. Note: as of 2022, more efficient commercial electrolysis requires around 53 kWh of electricity to produce one kg of hydrogen, which holds 33.6 kWh of energy
  • From consultation with Agung and Dery (company Energyhub, @August 23, 2023 ): taking into account solar intensity variations, and their solar panels (size?), it would be possible to generate an average power of 2kW during the day. This is approximately what the EL4.0 electrolyser needs to produce one kg of H2 per day.
  • Our solar panel system produces 6kW, so we can run at least two electrolysers simultaneously, to produce 2.2kg/day.
  • In both cases, this is more than the 1.45kg needed for an average household, and this happens in a day or two. Assuming the conservative number 1kg/two day, in a month we could have 15kg.
This means that in a month one could power 15/1.45 = 10.34 households!

H) How much do they pay for it?

  • In the USA, hydrogen costs around US$16 per kilogram. Currently, renewable hydrogen produced via electrolysis costs between US$3 – US$6/kg, though analysts expect this figure to drop significantly over the next decade (from here)
    • The 3 kg LPG is subsidized by the government, with the price set by each local government. Prices are officially set at IDR 16.000 per canister in Java island (from here)
    • From Gender and Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform: An audit of data on energy subsidies, energy use and gender in Indonesia, Nov. 1, 2017, pp. 9-19:
    • 💡
      1 LPG canister At 2.4 bars: ↔ 288 H2 manually compressed canisters, or about 4 cubic meters of H2 at ambient temperature At 17.5 bars:

      Note: A volume of around 11 m3 (which is the volume of the trunk of a large utility or commercial vehicle) is needed to store just 1 kg of hydrogen, which is the quantity needed to drive 100 km.



Old calculations