Branding & Marketing with Ajeng Wulandari

  1. Strategy to achieve the business goal: the mission
  2. The foundation will be
    1. identity: name, logo,
    2. Story: mission, brand voice, marketing

Our brand new teammate:

Ajeng Wulandari

What help do we need from Ajeng

  1. Introduction and interview with Marine Biologist (Udayana University?)
  2. Naming: Ideally a name that resonates with local people, and that can be pronounced by western people. Short, catchy, inspirational. Propose 3 names that we can vote on
    1. 1. BaGi from Balon Energy. ‘Bagi’ itself from Bahasa Indonesia means to share. Sharing behaviour helps to protect the environment and maintain sustainability. 2. Boomhy pronounce as Bumi means earth. I use the spell Boo(double ‘o’ to represent our green balloons)mhy(drogen). So it’s combined words Bumi (earth) & Hydrogen. 3. DAUN kita from @Ratna Mardiani Dari Air UNtuk kita Means From water for us

    2. Balon-Balon Ijo as it was the favourite one in the last brainstorming session.
  3. Help to craft the 250 words concept. We want to talk about globally innovative technology AND also how it fits in Tri Hita Karana

  5. At the Demo Day (Oct 20) talk to local people about our project and write a blog (here on Notion) post about their feedback and suggestions about the idea

→ Make an introduction to marine biologist and ocean conservation people

Cesar Questions

  1. What are the species in Benoa Bay? Mangrove, White bird, Small grouper & Turtle.
  2. Which are the keystone species in Benoa Bay? Mangrove
  3. What are the species the local Balinese care about and why? Religion? Trade? Traditional food? The turtle is a sacred animal for the Hindus.
  4. If we produce electricity and have data access at sea, what information would be valuable for marine biology and oceanographic research? And what information would be valuable for fishermen, and other seafarers? Fish storage, current & migration pattern.
  5. If we produce oxygen and hydrogen at sea, could that be valuable to sea life? Some area lack dissolved oxygen: where would it help most to bring oxygen?