Mana Impact / Imaginal Seeds



  • In your proposal, you said the floating platform could power up to 20 households in a day with options to expand. Is this every day? Does the timeframe of refilling the exercise ball fall within a day such that there are no "rest days" so to speak? - No rest day, but solar is not constant. We’re talking about supplying 1. lighting and 2. cooking gas for 20 households. If these households run large AC units and charge electric cars, that would not be sufficient
  • What is the percentage split between hydrogen gas used for the fuel cell to turn into electricity and the hydrogen that is used directly? If the fuel cell is not employed yet, what is the intended percentage split in the future (based on demand, price, etc)? - The cooking gas is pretty constant across household, while the electricity demand varies more depending of the level of “modernity” and appliances a household uses. The latest calculation would suggest that one household uses four 3KG LPG tanks per month. Our current estimate is the same amount of energy in hydrogen would require about 10 of the same tank - we’re checking the calculation and should be able to confirm these tonight (tue night). LED lighting uses very little electricity
  • I believe you mentioned the equipment needs to be replaced every five years. What happens with the equipment then? - What needs to be changed most frequently is at production: the electrolysis tank anode, cathode, and the chemistry of the electrolyzer, especially the purified water that needs regular replenishment. On the consumer side, fuel cell side, there needs to be some minor maintenance similar to what you would need for a home AC or air purifying system.
  • How have you accounted for maintenance of the equipment in the budget? - Yes.


  • Out of the impressive list of people who will be involved, who are the core team members that will "coordinate" the project? How are tasks shared among these? - Currently I am the coordinator, and FabLab Bali is the implementor on the ground in Bali. Members of the CAST Foundation are also actively involved.
  • How and how often will decisions be made among these members? - Currently we meet at least once a week over zoom, often several times a week. In the future, the dedicated team will meet on a regular basis too. The way we work now is consensus.
  • How will you institutionalise the project beyond yourself such that the project will continue even if you no longer can contribute to the same extent (say, for example, during your teaching semester)? - During my teaching semester I can help remotely manage the project but we are building a team so the project can completely operate without me.
  • What will the long-term governance look like for the project? - Eventually we want the local management of Serangan village to be the top managment and continuying to deliver the programs: - Research - Education - Community Services

In a more detailled proposal we have outline 3 phases.

  1. year 1: Fab Lab Bali Leads, supported by the local team
  2. year 2: 50% 50% Lead with local team
  3. year 3: the local team leads, FabLab Bali supports

I’ve done this in Hong Kong with MakerBay, and now the team in HK is completely autonomous, with a 22 full-time staff at the MakerBay Foundation.

We are looking at the coop model (Mondragon) or the partnership model (John Lewis) - but we need to discuss more with the local community to imagine a system that would work best for them. As this stage we’re interested to approach women groups.

  • Being open source with the technology may realistically deter larger investors from going in given the project can be easily replicated. While open source is important to give all communities access to these innovations, it thus may close the door to large-scale investments that could quicker scale the operations and impact of your project, including to these other communities. How are you thinking about and balancing these trade-offs? (Not at all meant as a critique against your rationale. Just trying to raise a likely concern of some camps.) - The foundational technology may be open source but some of the applications that are industrial can be more traditionally licensed. Revenue may not come from IP, but from the sale of equipment, services, and expertise.
Traditional top down scientific approach
Our bottom up hacker/ innovator approach
Phases 1. Identifying research gap 2. Apply for grant 3. Research 4. Patent 5. Publish
Phases 1: Assemble existing technology and serve our immediate neighbours. Learn from indigenous practices 2: Improve and optimize industrial operations. Try to generate revenue, validating market demand  3: Hack / tinker to make the technologies greener 4: Productize and Open Source publishing the green technologies and techniques 5. Education and promotion of the new tested technologies and designs 6: Improve and optimize commercial operations


  • Any thoughts on the future revenue model to make it self-sustainable? We understand it might be early to say, but what would be the rough percentage split from different income streams (eg, electricity sales, science tourism, workshops)? Exactly - Research → grants - Education → Workshops to educational institutions. Scientific / volunteering tourism. STEAM workshops for kids - Community Services → Mangrove planting, monitoring carbon - Electricity sale
  • What and how would you charge for electricity and services to keep the project running? - Initially we will need to subsidise the electricity that goes to households. The electricity that is offered in the public space is free.
  • In addition to your blogs, would you hold meetings to update partners on the progress of the project? Could we leverage these? - Yes, absolutely. We would also love for you guys and the funders to visit the site, spend time with the local community, discover the mangrove and learn about the history, the culture, and their fears and dreams.
  • Please elaborate on the involvement of the Helium Foundation. Are they supporting you financially? - The gave 4743 USD, on a reimbursment basis. Details sent
  • What other potential funders are you speaking to? OR PARTNER
    • Partnership with BRIN on Fuel Cell Research, …., ….
    • Viriya ENB:
    • Udayana University
    • CNAM France
    • SIT Singapore
    • City University Hong Kong
    • Fab Foundation, Fab Lab Bali Fab Island
    • Mana Impact / Imaginal Seed : Indigenous innovation
    • Rumah Foundation : Education
    • Cesar Jung-Harada: Design Research
    • Ashleen Tan: Coastal Engineering
    • BRIDA
    • GIZ: Hydrogen and Solar Engineering
    • MayBank Social Entrepreneurship
    • World Resource Institute [TBC]
    • PIJAR Foundation: Policy Advocacy
  • Please state whether the CAST Foundation has (1) any current or prior legal actions against the organisation or its management/directors and (2) whether the organisation is legally eligible to receive foreign funding. - No current legal action - Legally able to receive foreign funding


Until Jan. 3, 2017, the island was home to 36 families of Bugis descent, many of whom made a living through fishing, residing on little more than a hectare of land. The Bugis are an ethnic group originally from the island of Sulawesi in eastern Indonesia. Their claim to fame dates back to the time of the European colonization of Indonesia’s Spice Islands. A seafaring people, the Bugis were notorious for piracy. Folklore has it that ill-behaved European children would be told to “behave” or else “beware the Bugis man,” which eventually evolved to “boogie man.” From

New set of questions

What hydrogen energy demand
