1. Environmental Biodiversity (Marine biology)
- Consultant: Ibnu retired scientist at the Ministry
- Consultant: Crab lady
- What is the specie of crab from Kampoeng Kepiting
- Chemistry: What parameters in the water we’re looking to evaluate
- Biology: Food, morphology, health, size of population
- Go to a place that has a lot of crabs and other healthy population
- Might come from the seller to Kampong Kepiting
- Udanaya University Marine Biologist who might know where can fin
- Collect water samples
- Collect crabs for autopsy
Do these things in the 2 places, in the “clean place” and in Kampoeng Kepiting
2. Non-toxic catalyst (material science, Electrochemistry)
Lab Testing. Power supply on the bench
- purified water
- tap water
- Toxic industrial chemicals (for benchmark)
- Site water, and seawater are available on-site at Kampoeng Kepiting
- Chemically Activated charcoal coarse
- Bioactivated charcoal coarse
- Stainless steel
- Graphite
- Brass
- Gold
- Silver
- Stainless steel coated with platinum
Site testing. Energy from solar panels.
3. Toxicology of spent catalyst on mud crabs in mangrove environment (toxicology)
Test chemicals WITHOUT crabs
Test chemicals WITH the crabs, after the least toxic are selected
The marine biologists need to tell us what are the criteria to evaluate the health of the crabs
4. Optimizing hydrogen production with nontoxic catalyst (material science, Electrochemistry). Combine 2+3 research
- Which catalyst is the most productive?
- Which catalyst is the least toxic?
5. Spent Catalyst remediation (Chemistry, Biology)
- Chemical remediation with water filter
- Charcoal
- Biological remediation with plants
- Salicornia brachiata: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salicornia
- Bougainville flowers. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16649617/