Questions for Crab Farmers

Marine Biology




  • Understanding the demographics of the Kampoeng Kepiting residents & their day to day lifestyle
  • Understanding crab farmers’ needs, motivations, day-to-day actvities, pain-points, etc
  • Figuring out how the floating hydrogen pod can benefit the overall residents’ needs

maybe we need to interview several stakeholders ??

  • Crab Farmers?
  • Villagers?
  • Business Owners?
  • Head of the village?

Question List:

  • Intro
  • Workflow / Task
    • General process of crab farming (general proses menambak kepiting dari awal - akhir) → user journey [preparation → maintenance harvesting]
    • Daily routines: Day-to-day operational activities
    • Task division / roles
    • Where do they get the crab seeds, tools & resources, where do they sell them to?
    • Is there a cycle-system? Season sensitive?
  • Pains
    • What kind of problems / challenges do they face ? → identify pain-points
  • Goals/Motivation:
    • What do farmers intend to achieve? ex: of (income or asset) (operational effectivity & productivity) (risk prevention) etc



  • Figuring out who will be the best person to operate the solar hydrogen pod

Question List: